Ultragen is the most advanced recovery formulation ever developed. It’s so effective, you’ll notice the difference the first time you try it.
✓Accelerates Recovery
✓Boosts Energy Levels
✓Improves Workload Capacity
Branched chain amino acids are elite recovery agents that kickstart muscle repair, but their effects extend well beyond that. They also preserve energy stores to combat post-workout fatigue, mediate lactic acid levels to reduce muscle burn, increase workload capacity, top off energy levels, and even reduce negative impact on immune functions. BCAAs ensure successful recovery, building higher levels of future performance.

The premium protein combination in Ultragen gives your body what it needs to speed recovery after you’ve gone deep into the red.
The first, Whey Protein Isolate, rebuilds and refuels exhausted muscles with high levels of branched chain amino acids.
The second, Hydrolyzed Whey Protein, is enzymatically pre-processed, so it fastracks absorption by skipping the distress-inducing process of breaking down full whey protein molecules—faster delivery without punishing an already-taxed GI tract.
That’s why the reimagined EFS includes Suntheanine ®, a patented innovation that gives you the mental toughness you need to push further and find a gear you didn’t know you had.
Q: How does Ultragen work?
A: Ultragen’s many components are designed to work synergistically in order to fully maximize recovery, providing clinically effective doses of the right nutrients to the right place at the right time. Each serving of Ultragen delivers clinically effective doses of the most advanced proteins available, the fastest-acting carbohydrates, glutamine, BCAAs, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. In addition, Ultragen integrates the latest nutritional technology in order to maximize recovery and provide the right nutrients to the right place during the 30-minute “window of opportunity” following exercise.
Q: What is the 30-minute glycogen “window of opportunity?”
A: Research has shown that there is a critical 30-minute glycogen window (called the “window of opportunity”) immediately following exercise when insulin sensitivity is at its highest and exhausted muscles essentially open the door to nutrients.
Q: Why does Ultragen contain 60 grams of dextrose per serving?
We use dextrose in Ultragen because it functions as an insulin shuttle to pull protein, vitamins, minerals, BCAA’s, and other essential recovery agents into cells quickly to optimize training-related muscle and endurance adaptations.
Q: Can I take Ultragen during racing and training?
A: The proteins, glutamine, BCAAs, and electrolytes in Ultragen will fuel the body with what it needs to finish strong in long races. The high calories, high glycemic carbs, fast proteins and high levels of all 5 electrolytes make Ultragen the best “during” drink on the market, even though it’s designed for post-recovery applications. Everything in Ultragen is absorbed super fast and hence is very easily digested. Too many other drinks are developed as complex carbohydrate mixes that have a number of different sugars and hence are absorbed in different rates. A serving can be ingested during a race without resulting in a feeling of fullness during the ride. However, it is recommended that a serving of Ultragen be taken during the second half of a long workout before using it in a race.
Q: Is Ultragen Gluten-Free?
A: Yes, all Ultragen flavors are Gluten-Free.
Q: Why does Ultragen mix so well compared to other recovery drinks?
A: Ultragen is an advanced formulation with technically superior ingredients. The low molecular weight proteins are engineered using cross-flow microfiltration, a process that retains all the protein and beneficial micro-fractions and minimizes any fats and carbohydrates. This technology results in a protein which dissolves better in water. The entire Ultragen formula is manufactured using a process called agglomeration, a process which improves each molecule’s ability to dissolve in water, making the powder spoon-mixable. The most important thing to note is that a powder’s dissolvability is directly proportional to its ability to be absorbed by the stomach. If it clumps in a glass it will also clump in your stomach. Clumps in the stomach slow down absorption and cause gastric distress. Drinks which are already fully dissolved in a liquid will be more completely absorbed and will minimize any gastric distress.
Q: What kind of proteins are in Ultragen?
A: Ultragen is formulated using a unique time-responsive protein matrix to maximize absorption through the entire spectrum of rapid recovery time. Whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH) is a pre-digested, small molecular weight complete protein and the fastest protein absorbed due to its small size and pre-digested peptide chains. Ion exchange Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) is also a low molecular weight protein, absorbed more slowly than WPH. Combining these two protein forms allows WPH and WPI to be absorbed during that critical first 30 minutes, delivering the appropriate building blocks during the best window for recovery.
Q: When should I use Ultragen?
A: During the last hour of a workout or race to ensure maximum performance with minimal damage; immediately following a 1-2 hour workout for maximum recovery (provided the body has been properly fueled during the workout); and during the last hour as well as immediately following a workout longer than three hours to ensure a strong finish and solid recovery.
Q: Is Ultragen Lactose-Free?
A: Ultragen is not lactose-free but it is very low lactose, not enough to elicit Lactose Intolerance symptoms in even the most sensitive persons. There is 0.9 g/100g Sugars, which is all lactose in whey protein. At 20 g/serving, that works out to 0.18 grams/serving, or 180 mg. Thus, the lactose amount is trivial at 180 mg – this includes the WPH, which has the same amount of lactose but less amount.